Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 27-03-1938 - SLSA -
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 00-00-1901 - SLSA -

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

Stanley, SA 5415

Church Information

Church Name: Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Catholic Church in Australia
Street Address: 18 Catholic Church Rd, Stanley SA 5415, Australia
Suburb: Stanley
State: SA
Postcode: 5415
Foundation Stone Laid: 07-06-1855
Foundation Stone Notes: 

A foundation stone was laid by Bishop Murphy on 7/6/1855. The text on the foundation stone is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

A notice board records: 1856 - Church - of the - Immaculate - Conceptopn - 'Oldest Jesuit Church - in Australia - A M D G

A tablet records: 1856 ~ 2006 - To Commemorate the - 150th Anniversary - of The Church of - The Immaculate Conception, - Mintaro and the families from - the district who worshipped here - 19th November 2006.

Date Opened: 23-11-1856
Date Closed: unknown


The Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Mintaro is part of the Sevenhill Parish and the Archdiocese of Adelaide. The parish is under the care of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). Early Mass services were celebrated in private homes. Land for a church building was donated by Mr Peter Brady on 24/4/1855, with a church building being opened and blessed on 23/11/1856 by Bishop Murphy. This was the first Jesuit Church in Australia, and the first to be given the title Church of the Immaculate Conception in Australia. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 9/2/2024.

Note: Photograph attribution/source - By Fairv8 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Last Updated: Saturday 10th February, 2024