Church Name: | St Canute's Catholic Church |
Church Previous Name: | - |
Denomination: | Catholic Church in Australia |
Street Address: | 1 Bockelberg St, Streaky Bay SA 5680, Australia |
Suburb: | Streaky Bay |
State: | SA |
Postcode: | 5680 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | 00-00-1912 |
Foundation Stone Notes: | Foundation stone records: AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM - 1912. |
Date Opened: | 00-09-1912 |
Date Closed: | unknown |
Email: | |
Note: Photograph attribution/source - By Bahnfrend - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
For more of the church's story see - A history of St Canute's: Catholic church of Streaky Bay and its parishioners 1912 ~ 2012 /compiled by Ellen Bascombe;[foreward by Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ]. Bib ID 7011068. Not sighted.