The Salvation Army - Croydon Corps - Former

The Salvation Army - Croydon Corps - Former

Croydon, QLD 4871

Church Information

Church Name: The Salvation Army - Croydon Corps - Former
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Salvation Army
Street Address: 62 Brown St, Croydon QLD 4871, Australia
Suburb: Croydon
State: QLD
Postcode: 4871
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: 

An information board records: Places of Worship in Croydon - Croydon's diverse community meant many miners held different beliefs. Places of worship quickly appeared,  initially in makeshift shelters. In no time at all, there were resident clergyman in Croydon, representing four denominations: the Church of England, the Wesleyan Church, The Roman catholic Church and the Methodist Church... - The spiritaul needs of satellite towns were not forgotten. At Golden Gate for wexample, three churches were establsihed before 1900. - Bringing the community together - The churches organised many activities for Croydon residents. Gatherings for tea and other social events were common, but Sunday bush picnics were particularly popular... Later fate of the churches... As Croydon's population dwindled, so too did the number of churches. The methodist Church was later transportded to Georgetown and became the Masonic Hall. Golden Gate Church was sold for removal in 1925. Its bell can now be found at St Joseph's Church in Draper St, Cairns. St Margaret's Church of England was destroyed in a cyclonic blow in 1946. It was considered on of the finest buildings in Croydon.

No mention of the Salvation Army?

Date Opened: 00-00-1907
Date Closed: 00-00-1920


The former Salvation Army - Croydon Corps - Barracks is believed to have opened about 1895 and closed about 1920. The location of the Barracks is not known. The building which is understood to have been opened about 1895, was destroyed by a cyclone about 1906, and replaced by another building in 1907. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photograph uploaded 6/8/2024. 

Note: Photograph from information board with notation - 'Salvation Army Hall, undated. Source: Croydon Shire Council. The Hall was located on the site of today's cafe [possibly 62 Brown St]. The Salvation Army Band often played here on Saturday Nights'.

Last Updated: Tuesday 6th August, 2024