Wallendbeen Uniting Church - Former
Wallendbeen Uniting Church - Former 06-10-2024 - Derek Flannery
Wallendbeen Uniting Church - Former 07-03-2021 - Derek Flannery

Wallendbeen Uniting Church - Former

Wallendbeen, NSW 2588

Church Information

Church Name: Wallendbeen Uniting Church - Former
Church Previous Name: Wallendbeen Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: 16 King St, Wallendbeen NSW 2588, Australia
Suburb: Wallendbeen
State: NSW
Postcode: 2588
Foundation Stone Laid: 22-02-1911
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stone records: This foundation stone - was laid by - G F Sackett Esq JP - Feby 22nd 1911 - Rev J K Turner Minister

An information board records: Wallendbeen Methodist Church - From 1886 the Methodist families in Wallendbeen held their services in private homes and then later in the Anglican Church, for a period of twenty five years. - To build their own church, land in King street was purchased from Mr G F Sackett for thirty three pounds. - The original trustees for the new building were George File Sackett (storekeeper), James Morrow (farmer), Thomas Faulks (farmer), Isaac Nicholls (stationmaster), George Warden (saddler), Leslie Wicks (school teacher) and Edwin Lewis (fettler). They restricted the cost to five hundred pounds. - Foundation stone was laid by the Wallendbeen Mayor George File Sackett on February 22, 1911. - The building contarcat was given to Mr Moss of Harden, who had the building completed in time for the official opening held Wednesday September 20, 1911. - In 1939 a Sunday school room was built on to the back of the church. Children from the local area were all invited to attend this Sunday school. - From 1948 Presbyterian families were welcomed to hold their services in the Methodist Church, after their building was closed. In that same year the ladies combined church guild was formed. - The 50th anniversary of the Methodist Church at Wallendbeen was marked by commemoration service in 1961. A large crowd attended with special guests, including Colonial Kenneth Mackay. - Services were held in the Methodist, and later Uniting church, for over ninety years until it was deconsecrated in 2003. From 2007 this church known as 'Allawah' has been privately owned.

Date Opened: 20-09-1911
Date Closed: 00-00-2003
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


This former Wallendbeen Uniting Church, stopped holding regular services in 2001, with the building subsequently deconsecrated and sold in 2003. The church building had been opened on 20/9/1911. Wallendbeen was included in the Cootamundra Methodist circuit, as a preaching place, in 1878. Before the church was erected, services were held in private homes, sometimes known as 'Cottage Services' and then in the Anglican church for about twenty five years. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 15/6/2021 & 11/10/2024.
Last Updated: Friday 11th October, 2024