Deniliquin Uniting Church - Former
Deniliquin Uniting Church - Former 17-04-2018 - John Conn, Templestowe, Victoria
Deniliquin Uniting Church - Former 17-04-2018 - John Conn, Templestowe, Victoria

Deniliquin Uniting Church - Former

Deniliquin, NSW 2710

Church Information

Church Name: Deniliquin Uniting Church - Former
Church Previous Name: Deniliquin Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: 60-64 Edwardes St, Deniliquin NSW 2710, Australia
Suburb: Deniliquin
State: NSW
Postcode: 2710
Foundation Stone Laid: 10-08-1938
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stone records: To the Glory of God - This stone was laid by - Rev R H Campbell - President of the Conference - on - 10th August 1938.

Foundation stone of an earlier church records: This stone was laid by - Mr Joseph Lawrence Baker - 11th July AD 1871 - Re-Set by Mrs J K Tyrer - Daughter of J L Baker - 10th August 1938.

A foundation stone on the hall records: To the Glory of God - This stone was laid by - Miss G S Baker - Daughter of the Founder - of Methodism in Deniliquin - Aug 10th 1957.

Date Opened: 19-10-1938
Date Closed: unknown


The former Deniliquin Uniting Church has closed, with the congregation joining the St Andrew's Uniting Church on the next corner. The property was then acquired by the Salvation Army (see separate entry - 2710). The first record of a Wesleyan Methodist service in Deniliquin was in 1867, when the Rev Bird conducted services in the Masonic Hall. These were followed in subsequent years by services conducted by the Rev Fitchett and the Rev Charles Jones in the Court House. The first church building was erected/opened in 1871 in Cressy Street. A manse and Kindergarten were built/acquired in the following years. A new church building was erected on the present site and opened by the Rev R H Campbell on 19/10/1938. The Kindergarten Hall being relocated to the site of the new church. The church celebrated its centenary in 19711. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 24/4/2018.

Note 1: For more of the Church story and additional photographs see - Deniliquin Methodist Church centenary 1871-1971: "The Best of all is God is with us". Illuminate, accessed 05/11/2024,  AND
Last Updated: Tuesday 5th November, 2024