Punchbowl Uniting Church

Punchbowl Uniting Church

Punchbowl, NSW 2196

Church Information

Church Name: Punchbowl Uniting Church
Church Previous Name: Punchbowl Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: 15 Broadway, Punchbowl NSW 2196, Australia
Suburb: Punchbowl
State: NSW
Postcode: 2196
Foundation Stone Laid: 19-10-1918
Foundation Stone Notes: 

No foundation stone details are known for the first church building opened on 6/2/1915.

The foundation stone for the second church buulding was laid on 19/10/1918 by the Rev James Green, CMG., President of the Conference. The text on the foundation stone is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

The foundation stone for the present church building was laid on 10/4/1937 by Mr J E Berwick. The text on the foudation stone is not known.  Information/photographs are invited.

Date Opened: 06-02-1915
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The present Punchbowl Uniting Church building was opened on 19/6/1937 by the Rev W H Jones. General Home Missions Secretary. It replaced the second church building, which was closed on 26/7/1936, due to structural issues impacting safety. It had been opened on 21/12/1918 by the Rev James Green. The first church building, a small wooden structure was opened on 6/2/1915 by the Rev Frederick Colwell, President of Conference. It was sold to the Cronulla Circuit when replaced by the 1918 brick building. Prior to any church building services had been conducted in priavte homes.

In November 1971 the Punchbowl Congregational Church closed and joined the Punchbowl Methodist  Circuit to form the 'Methodist/Congregational Joint Parish of Punchbowl', which was officially inaugurated on 1/1/1972. It beame part of the Uniting Church on 22/6/1977.1

More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photograph uploaded 28/12/2020.


Note 1: illuminate (27th Jun 2019). 80th anniversary of the Punchbowl Church, Methodist - 1915. Uniting 1977. In Website illuminate. Retrieve 28th Dec 2020 19:25, from https://illuminate.recollect.net.au/nodes/view/1664.

Last Updated: Monday 28th December, 2020