Church Name: | Alford Uniting Church - Former |
Church Previous Name: | Alford Methodist Church |
Denomination: | Uniting Church in Australia |
Street Address: | 13 High St, Alford SA 5555, Australia |
Suburb: | Alford |
State: | SA |
Postcode: | 5555 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | unknown |
Foundation Stone Notes: | No Foundation Stone details for the church are known. Information/photograhs are invited. A plaque records: To celebrate S.A. Jubilee 150 - this plaque was unveiled - on 4th May 1986 by - Mr C J Philbey - of Alford - To commemorate the opening of - the former Methodist Church - on this site in Nov. 1883. A foundation stone for the hall records: Alford Methodist Hall - This stone was laid to - the glory of God - by - Mr George P Bruce - 28.8.1954. |
Date Opened: | unknown |
Date Closed: | 00-00-2017 |
Email: | |
This former Alford Uniting Church has closed, and the property has been sold (2017). The church had been part of the Uniting Church of Synod of South Australia. A church building, originally for the Primitive Methodist's, has existed on this site since 1883. In 1953 the congregation from Tickera Methodist Church amalgamated with Alford. (See separate entry - 5555).
The third photograph is of the old church building at Alford.. It was demolished and the present one built on the site in the 1960s. The church worship services were held in the (pictured at rear) Sunday School hall while the new building was erected. The congregation had outgrown the old chuch building. No other details are known about the former church. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photographs upladed 7/5/2017.