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St Stephen's Presbyterian Church - Former
St Stephen's Presbyterian Church - Former 11-09-2018 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane
St Stephen's Presbyterian Church - Former 11-09-2018 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane

St Stephen's Presbyterian Church - Former

Boomi, NSW 2405

Church Information

Church Name: St Stephen's Presbyterian Church - Former
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Presbyterian Church of Australia
Street Address: 52 Bishop St, Boomi NSW 2405, Australia
Suburb: Boomi
State: NSW
Postcode: 2405
Foundation Stone Laid: 16-05-1929
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stone records: To the Glory of God - This stone was laid by - His Excellency The Governor General - Lord Stonehaven PC GCMG CMC DSO - on 16th May 1929.

A plaque on the frence pillar records: In loving memory of - Hugh Frederick C - Matchett - 1883~1966 - Foundation Elder.

A plaque on the frence pillar records: In loving memory of - Jean Cruttwell - Matchett - 1898~1993.

A stone tablet in the fence pillar records: To the Glory of God - This gate is in loving - memory of - Frederick John Alexander - 10.3.1884 ~ 8.5.1955 - and - Florence Josephine Alexander - 23.2.1893 ~ 6.8.1984 - of - Murki.

Date Opened: 27-10-1929
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The former St Stephen's Presbyterian Church is no longer functioning. The church building was opened on 27/10/1929 by the Right Rev G S R Reid. Mrs T G Killen, an old and much respected citizen of Boomi turned the key declaring the building open for worship. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 19/11/2018.
Last Updated: Saturday 16th March, 2019