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Stanmore Baptist Church
Stanmore Baptist Church 11-03-2018 - Peter Liebeskind

Stanmore Baptist Church

Stanmore, NSW 2048

Church Information

Church Name: Stanmore Baptist Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Baptist
Street Address: 140 Albany Rd, Stanmore NSW 2048, Australia
Suburb: Stanmore
State: NSW
Postcode: 2048
Foundation Stone Laid: 17-08-1901
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Five memorial tablets were unveiled on 17/8/1901 by Mesdames Hibbard, White and Buckingham, Prersident - Rev W A Southwell and Mr Herbert Priestly, JP. The text on the tablets is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

Two further tablets were unveiled on the 8/7/1903  by Mr F J Yarrow, Prersident - Rev Henry Clark to mark the enlargement of the building to cater for the growing congregation. The text on the tablets is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

Date Opened: 12-12-1901
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The Stanmore Baptist Church was opened and dedicated, although not fully completed, on 12/12/1901. The church called the Rev C J Tinsley, from Spurgeon's College, London to be their first minister. Soon after opening, the growth of the congregation required the the church to be enlarged, which additions were opened and dedicated on 8/7/1903. The Reformers Bookshop also uses the building. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 4/2/2021.

For more of the Stanmore Baptist Church story see - https://stanmorebaptist.org.au/the-first-fifty-years/
Last Updated: Thursday 4th February, 2021