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St Peter's Presbyterian Church
St Peter's Presbyterian Church 03-05-2017 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane.
St Peter's Presbyterian Church 12-07-2002 - Alan Patterson

St Peter's Presbyterian Church

Cowra, NSW 2794

Church Information

Church Name: St Peter's Presbyterian Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Presbyterian Church of Australia
Street Address: 50 Macquarie St, Cowra NSW 2794, Australia
Suburb: Cowra
State: NSW
Postcode: 2794
Foundation Stone Laid: 07-02-1912
Foundation Stone Notes: 

(Sydney Morning Herald - 9 February 1912) "The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the new Presbyterian Church on Wednesday was witnessed by a large attendance of all denominations. The stone was laid by the Rev. Dr. Clouston and Mrs. Sloan, both of whom were presented with silver trowels by the builder, Mr. H S. Francis. Offerings totalling £160 were laid on the stone. The new church will cost upwards of £2000. In the evening a Scottish concert was given in the Centennial Hall."

Foundation stone records: St Peter's Church - To the glory of God - These foundation stones were laid by - Rev'd T E Clouston DD and Mrs I J Sloan - February 7th 1912 - Minister: Rev'd Geo Cranston...

A plaque records: The Blackert Memorial Bell Tower - To the glory of God - in memory of - The Blackert Family - The Bell of the original church - cast 1865 - dedicated 24th October 1993 - Margaret Britton ~ Session Clerk - Rev James Bruce ~ Minister

Date Opened: unknown
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


(Cowra Free Press - 25 October 1913)  "THE OLD GIVES PLACE TO THE NEW. Opening and Dedication of St. Peter's New Church on Wednesday last was a most eventful day in the history of Presbyterianism in our district, for on that day the doors of that edifice which had served as a place of worship for over half a century were closed, and that fine example of modern architecture, St. Peter's new church, was opened and solemnly dedicated with great ceremony."

No other details are known about St Peter's Presbyterian Church. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 6/9/2017.

Last Updated: Monday 30th April, 2018