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Church Name: | St Patrick's Catholic Church |
Church Previous Name: | - |
Denomination: | Catholic Church in Australia |
Street Address: | 41 Rifle St, Clarence Town NSW 2321, Australia |
Suburb: | Clarence Town |
State: | NSW |
Postcode: | 2321 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | 26-06-1892 |
Foundation Stone Notes: | (Maitland Mercury 2 July 1892) "CLARENCE TOWN. On Sunday last his Lordship Bishop Murray laid the foundation stone of the new Roman Catholic Church. His lordship, who came from Maitland that morning, was met some distance out of town by quite a cavalcade of buggies and horsemen and conducted to the church. After holding mass, and delivering a short address to those assembled, the Bishop then laid the stone, after which a subscription list was opened, and the sum of £113 was subscribed. The building, which is to be of brick, will be 41ft. by 21ft. with 14ft. walls; the chancel will be 13ft. by 13ft., vestry 8ft. by 9ft., and the porch 6ft. 6in. by 7ft. Mr. A. Burg, of East Maitland, is the contractor, and is pushing on the work very quickly. The building when finished will be quite an ornament to the town". No Foundation Stone text is known. Information/photographs are invited. |
Date Opened: | 06-11-1892 |
Date Closed: | unknown |
Email: | admin@churchesaustralia.org |
(Maitland Mercury - 17 November 1892) "Opening of the New R. C. Church; at Clarence Town. (From our Correspondent.) On Sunday, the 6th inst., a very large number assembled to witness the opening of the new R. C. Church. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Murray, Bishop of Maitland. Quite a cavalcade of buggies and horsemen met his Lordship some miles, out of town. On arrival at the Church, which had been splendidly decorated with flowers and ever- greens, the Bishop proceeded to bless and formally open the building".
More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 31/3/2018.