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Church Name: | St James' Anglican Church |
Church Previous Name: | - |
Denomination: | Anglican Church of Australia |
Street Address: | 28 Toogong St, Cudal NSW 2864, Australia |
Suburb: | Cudal |
State: | NSW |
Postcode: | 2864 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | 28-10-1903 |
Foundation Stone Notes: | (Molong Argus - 30 Oct 1903) "Cudal New Building for St James' Church. Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony. 0n Wednesday last an important event occurred in Cudal's history, when the foundation stone of the new building being erected for St. James' Church was successfully laid, the ceremony being performed by Mrs. Lance Smith, of Boree Station, in the presence of a large gathering of residents and visitors, Rev. R. W. P. Montgomery, Rector, conducted the initial proceedings, assisted by the late incumbent, Rev.W. Vaughan Rose, who journeyed from O'Connell Plains to be present. A number of selected anthems, appropriate to the occasion, were rendered by the Choir." The actual text on the foundation stone is not known. Information/photographs are invited. |
Date Opened: | 10-04-1904 |
Date Closed: | unknown |
Email: | admin@churchesaustralia.org |
(Molong Argus - 15 April 1904) "Cudal. Official Opening of St James' Church. On Sunday last the new building erected for St James' Church was officially opened by Bishop Camidge, of Bathurst. In the morning the Bishop delivered an address, taking his text from 1st Chronicles, 20th chapter, and part of the 16th verse - "Arise therefore, and be doing, and the Lord be with thee". His Lordship stated it was the first of this particular kind of building he had seen in one Diocese, and thought it reflected great credit upon the district, and explained that as a debt was still owing upon the church it could not be consecrated until that was paid off, hence his reason for adopting the text referred to."
The St James' Anglican Church, Cudal is part of the Parish of Cudal-Molong and the Diocese of Bathurst. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photograph uploaded 25/5/2018.