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St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
St John the Baptist Catholic Church 03-08-2002 - Alan Patterson
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church - Statue 06-04-2019 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Eugowra, NSW 2806

Church Information

Church Name: St. John the Baptist Catholic Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Catholic Church in Australia
Street Address: 3 Pye St, Eugowra NSW 2806, Australia
Suburb: Eugowra
State: NSW
Postcode: 2806
Foundation Stone Laid: 27-02-1921
Foundation Stone Notes: 

(Western Champion - 3 March 1921)  "EUGOWRA CATHOLIC CHURCH The Right Rev. Dr. O'Farrell, Bishop of Bathurst, laid and blessed the foundation stone of a new brick church at Eugowra on Sunday, in the presence of a large congregation, and many visitors from surrounding towns. Several priests, including the Revs, Father Brosnan, Orange, Father Moloney, Charleville. Queensland, and Father Searson, Canowindra, were al- so present. The collections amounted to £1200. The new church, which is of brick and cement dressings, will be complete with sanctuary, sacristy and porch, and will be of good appearance, costing about £1500. It is being erected on the block where the school and convent are already completed."

Foundation stone records: This stone was laid by the - Right Rev M O'Farrell - Bishop of Bathurst - Feb. 27 1921.

A plaque on the statue records: Donated to the Sisters of St Joseph, Eugowra - in 1940 - by - John and Nell Agostinella - in loving memory of John's father, John Agostinelli 1869 ~ 1939 - and grandfather, John Agostinelli 1830 ~ 1910.

Notice Board records: Est. 1928.


Date Opened: 22-06-1921
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


(Molong Express - 2 July 1921) "The Catholic Church at Eugowra. The new Catholic Church at Eugowra which is a fine edifice, was blessed and opened on Wednesday June 22 before a large congregation, Rev. Father O'Kennedy of Cowra acting as Bishop's delegate. Shortly after 10 a.m. there was a procession in which members of the Sodality of the Children of Mary took part."

The St John the Baptist Catholic Church, Eugowra is in the Parish of Eugowra and the Diocese of Bathurst. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 27/4/2018.

Last Updated: Sunday 16th January, 2022