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St Peter's Anglican Church
St Peter's Anglican Church 04-04-2021 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane
St Peter's Anglican Church 04-04-2021 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane

St Peter's Anglican Church

South Tamworth, NSW 2340

Church Information

Church Name: St Peter's Anglican Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Anglican Church of Australia
Street Address: 34 Vera St, South Tamworth NSW 2340, Australia
Suburb: South Tamworth
State: NSW
Postcode: 2340
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: No Foundation Stone or Memorial Plaque details are known. Information/photographs are invited.
Date Opened: 00-00-1974
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The St Peter's Anglican Church, South Tamworth is part of the Diocese of Armidale. It had its beginnings as an outreach ministry of the St Paul's West Tamworth church, holding its first meetings in the Lyda Street Hall about 1947. It was granted autonomy in 1969 and began its own church building, which was completed/opened about 1974. It is presently planning further buildings to meet the needs of the growing congregation. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 2/6/2021.
Last Updated: Wednesday 2nd June, 2021