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Quirindi Uniting Church
Quirindi Uniting Church 27-01-2025 - Derek Flannery
Quirindi Uniting Church 14-02-2013 - Church Facebook - See Note.

Quirindi Uniting Church

Quirindi, NSW 2343

Church Information

Church Name: Quirindi Uniting Church
Church Previous Name: Munro Memorial Presbyterian Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: Hill St & Pryor St, Quirindi NSW 2343, Australia
Suburb: Quirindi
State: NSW
Postcode: 2343
Foundation Stone Laid: 10-07-1920
Foundation Stone Notes: 

A foundation stone records: Munro Memorial Church - This stone was laid - to the - Glory of God - by - Elizabeth Munro - 10th July 1920

Tablets in the gate posts record:

  • In Memory  of - Private E B H Corbett - Killed in action at - La Tocquet - France - 18th May 1917.
  • These Gates - were erected - by the - Corbett Family

A tablet on the hall records: This hall - was presented to the - Presbyterian Church - as a Memorial to - Mr and Mrs R J Pollock - by their family Feby 1930.

Date Opened: 25-05-1921
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The Quirindi Uniting Church is part of the New England North West Presbytery and the Uniting Church Synod of NSW & ACT. The history of the Presbyterian church in the Quirindi district dates from about 1937. In the early days the Murrurundi Presbyterian Church was more significant in the district, with Quirindi as an offshoot. By 1901 a weatherboard church building existed in Quirindi. In 1908 an assistant minister was appointed at Murrurundi with resposnibility for the growing Quirindi congregation. In 1913 the old weatherboard building was relocated to the present and more suitable site. In 1920 Mrs Munro and her daughters laid the foundation stone for a Memorial Church building in memory of her husband and sons. This building was opened on 25/5/1921 by the Moderator, The Right Rev John Edwards. A church hall was built in 1930 as a memorial to Mr & Mrs R J Pollock1. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 11/8/2023 & 4/2/2025.

Note: Photograph attribution/source - https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=139740156190841&set=pb.100064670869492.-2207520000.

Note 1: For more of the church story -  Lobsey, Ian R, Through the years : Presbyterianism in the Charge of Quirindi-Murrurundi-Werris Creek, 1837-1963.. Illuminate, accessed 11/08/2023, https://illuminate.recollect.net.au/nodes/view/1673

Last Updated: Tuesday 4th February, 2025