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Church Name: | St Matthew's Anglican Church |
Church Previous Name: | - |
Denomination: | Anglican Church of Australia |
Street Address: | 1 Moses St, Windsor NSW 2756, Australia |
Suburb: | Windsor |
State: | NSW |
Postcode: | 2756 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | 11-10-1817 |
Foundation Stone Notes: | The foundation stone was laid by Governor Macquarie on 11th October 1817, a ceremony which had to be repeated on the following day, as someone had stolen the coin placed under the stone. Foundation stone text records: This foundation stone - was laid by - Lachlan Macquarie Esq - Governor Of New South Wales - on the 11th October 1817. A commemorative stone records: St Matthew's Church - Erected AD 1820 - L Macquarie Esq. Governor. A stone tablet records: The Rectory - was erected in 1825 by - William Cox - during the incumbency of - The Revd John Cross - 1819 ~ 1828 - The Revd Samuel Marsden - Chaplain of the Colony from 1874 - Died here 12th May 1838. |
Date Opened: | 08-12-1822 |
Date Closed: | unknown |
Email: | admin@churchesaustralia.org |
St Matthew's Anglican Church has quite rightly been called one of the most beautiful buildings in Australia. Designed by Francis Greenway, under instruction from Governor Macquarie, the building is a landmark. The church was consecrated in December 1822 with Samuel Marsden conducting the opening service. It is the masterpiece of Francis Greenway, the convict architect, who was retained by Governor Macquarie to rectify the poor standard of building in the colony.
The church building was consecrated by Rev Samuel Marsden on 8/12/1822.
For further historical information on the church refer to the church website: http://www.windsoranglican.asn.au/our-history#foundationstone
More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 27/4/2018.