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Windsor Uniting Church
Windsor Uniting Church 20-07-2018 - Peter Liebeskind
Windsor Uniting Church 11-07-2002 - Alan Patterson

Windsor Uniting Church

Windsor, NSW 2756

Church Information

Church Name: Windsor Uniting Church
Church Previous Name: The Wesley Church/Windsor Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: Fitzgerald St & Macquarie St, Windsor NSW 2756, Australia
Suburb: Windsor
State: NSW
Postcode: 2756
Foundation Stone Laid: 08-12-1875
Foundation Stone Notes: 

(Sydney Mail - 11 December 1875)   "NEW WESLEYAN CHURCH, WINDSOR. On the 23rd of December last, during the destructive fire which caused so much devastation and distress in Windsor, the Wesleyan church, built in 1838 (and which occupied the place of a still older section), was destroyed by the flames, and since that time divine service has been conducted in the schoolroom alongside, which, to the surprise of all who witnessed the extensive conflagration, escaped the fate of the surrounding buildings. The site of the old church was in Fitzgerald Street, close to George and Macquarie streets. On Wednesday there was an excursion train from Sydney to Windsor, and a considerable number of persons availed themselves of the opportunity of visiting that town on the occasion of the ceremony of laying the memorial stone of a new Wesleyan Church on the site of the one burnt down in December last."

The formal text of the memorial stone is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

Date Opened: 30-08-1876
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


"Windsor Uniting Church  - a congregation which was first established in 1812 as the Wesleyan Church in the newly established communities of the Hawkesbury... The first chapel was opened in 1820, the second larger chapel in 1838, with the third church on the site being opened and dedicated in 1876, following the devastating Windsor township fire just before Christmas 1874, which destroyed both the church and the minister's residence next door." (Extract Church Website: http://www.windsoruniting.org.au/).

(Sydney Morning Herald - 2 September 1876)   "On Wednesday last the new church was opened. It is an elegant and beautiful structure both externally and internally, an adornment to the town, and a monument to the zeal of the Wesleyan body. Unlike the former church it fronts Fitzgerald Street instead of Macquarie Street which, is generally thought to be an improved situation."

More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 2/3/2021.

For more of the Windsor Uniting Church story see - illuminate (27th Jun 2019). Wesley Church Windsor, centenary, 1876~1976. In Website illuminate. Retrieved 2nd Mar 2021 15:34, from https://illuminate.recollect.net.au/nodes/view/1809.

Last Updated: Tuesday 2nd March, 2021