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St Michael's Anglican Cathedral
St Michael's Anglican Cathedral 01-04-2019 - John Conn, Templestowe, Victoria
St Michael's Anglican Cathedral 01-04-2019 - John Conn, Templestowe, Victoria

St Michael's Anglican Cathedral

Wollongong, NSW 2500

Church Information

Church Name: St Michael's Anglican Cathedral
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Anglican Church of Australia
Street Address: Church St & Market St, Wollongong NSW 2500, Australia
Suburb: Wollongong
State: NSW
Postcode: 2500
Foundation Stone Laid: 08-09-1858
Foundation Stone Notes: 

(Illawarra Mercury - 13 September 1858)  "NEW ST. MICHAEL"S, WOLLONGONG. - The report that the Bishop of Sydney would arrive by the steamer Hunter,. on Tuesday, 7th inst., attracted a number of the leading members of the Church of England to the wharf so that they might welcome his Lordship. But he did not arrive till about 8 o'clock on Wednesday morning, when the Rev. T. C. Ewing met him and accompanied him to the Brighton Hotel, where his Lordship and the Rev. Mr Synge, who came with him remained till Thursday. The principal purpose of his Lordship's visit, was to lay the foundation stone of New St. Michael's Church, on Church Hill. This ceremony was commenced by the holding of Divine Service in the present Church, at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday"

The text of the foundation stone is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

Date Opened: 15-12-1859
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


(Illawarra Mercury - 19 December 1859)  "ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH WOLLONGONG. CONSECRATION AND OPENING SERVICES. On Thursday last the very interesting ceremony of consecration was performed in connection with the new Church of St. Michael in this town, by the Bishop of Sydney, Dr. Barker, assisted by the Very Rev. Mr Cowper, Dean of Sydney, and Revs. Messrs. Ewing (incumbent). Hassal, Simpson (Dapto), Smith (Jamberoo). Ashwin (Kiama). The day was extremely beautiful and fine, and the attendance could not have been less than 400 in number, comprising the leading families of the district."

The first recorded Anglican service in the district was a visit by the Chaplain at Campbelltown, the Rev Thomas Reddall, in 1831. The first rector was the Rev Matthew Devenish Meares in 1838. When early settler Charles Throsby Smith sold a portion of his land grant...he directed that a church be built on the prominence above the town.

The foundation stone for a church on the present site was laid on 14/10/1840 by the Rev Meares. He wanted a stone rather than a brick building, but due to a dispute with the builder and a time of economic recession, the foundation stone sat alone for many years.

A wooden building in Corrimal Street served as the Anglican church until about 1858.

The Rev Ewing, with the support of Sydney's Bishop Barker, raised funds for a church and a new foundation stone, laid on 8/9/1858, replaced the one that had laid dormant for 18 years.

No other details are known about the St Michael's Anglican Cathedral, Wollongong. More historical information/photographs of the Cathedral/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 5/6/2018.

Last Updated: Monday 22nd April, 2019