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Newtown Uniting Church - Former
Newtown Uniting Church - Former 15-09-2017 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane
Newtown Uniting Church - Former 15-09-2017 - John Huth, Wilston, Brisbane

Newtown Uniting Church - Former

Newtown, QLD 4305

Church Information

Church Name: Newtown Uniting Church - Former
Church Previous Name: Newtown, Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: 52 Glebe Rd, Newtown QLD 4305, Australia
Suburb: Newtown
State: QLD
Postcode: 4305
Foundation Stone Laid: 16-06-1956
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stone records: To the Glory of God - this stone was laid by - Rev W T Phillip's - President Qld. Meth. Conference - on Saturday June 16th 1956 - Rev J L C Rowley LTH CF - Circuit Minister.

Foundation stone for hall records: To the Glory of God - this stone was laid by - Rev G A Read - President Q'ld. Meth. Conference - on 19th March 1960 - Rev S J R Murr L Th., A B Shawan JP - Circuit Minister ~ Trust Secretary.

Date Opened: 00-00-1956
Date Closed: 00-00-1989
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


This former Newtown Uniting Church closed some years ago,and the property was sold (1989?). The present church building was opened in 1956. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 24/12/2017.
Last Updated: Sunday 21st July, 2024