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Crystal Brook Community Church
Crystal Brook Community Church 28-02-2025 - Derek Flannery
Crystal Brook Community Church - Sunday School 02-10-2009 - denisbin - See Note.

Crystal Brook Community Church

Crystal Brook, SA 5523

Church Information

Church Name: Crystal Brook Community Church
Church Previous Name: Crystal Brook Methodist Church/Crystal Brook Uniting Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: 51 Eyre Rd, Crystal Brook SA 5523, Australia
Suburb: Crystal Brook
State: SA
Postcode: 5523
Foundation Stone Laid: 25-06-1877
Foundation Stone Notes: 

A foundation stone records: This stone was laid - To the Glory of God - by - Miss Georgiana Priaulx - June 25.1877.

A stone tablet on the church extension records: Dedicated to the Glory of - God - and opened by the - Rev Dr W F Hambly MA - Nov 6th 1967.

Foundation stones for the Sunday School building were laid on 6/6/1912 by Sir Day Hort Bosanquet GCVO KCB, Governor of South Australia, and Mr J C Symons, Mr F J Johnson and the Rev Henry Howard. The text on the foundation stones is not known. Information/photographs are invited.

Date Opened: 21-10-1877
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The Crystal Brook Community Church is part of the Generate Presbytery and the Uniting Church Synod of South Australia. The church building was opened on 21/10/1877 and the Sunday School building in 1912. The extension to the church building was dedicated on 6/11/1967. The earliest Methodist service in the district is believed to have been held about 1874, in the home of the Tucker Bros. A tempory building is understood to have been erected in 1876, until the church building was completed. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 23/1/2024 & 1/3/2025

Note: Photograph attribution/source - https://www.flickr.com/photos/82134796@N03/9753013603/in/photostream/ 


Last Updated: Saturday 1st March, 2025