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Church Name: | Moonta Mines Uniting Church |
Church Previous Name: | Moonta Mines Methodist Church |
Denomination: | Uniting Church in Australia |
Street Address: | 27 Bower St, Moonta Mines SA 5558, Australia |
Suburb: | Moonta Mines |
State: | SA |
Postcode: | 5558 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | 07-08-1865 |
Foundation Stone Notes: | No Foundation Stone details are known. Information/photographs are invited. A masonry plaque high on the front of the church records: Moonta Mines - Methodist Church - 1865. Notice Board in front of the building records: Established - 1862. A plaque records: Commemorating - 150 years - of faithful service - in this Church - 1865 ~ 2015 - To God be the Glory.
Date Opened: | 00-00-1865 |
Date Closed: | unknown |
Email: | admin@churchesaustralia.org |
The former Moonta Mines Uniting Church closed, and the property was sold in 2022. However it is understood the purchaser has given the congregtaion a ten year limit on the use of the building. The church now functions as part of the Moonta and District Uniting Churches, including Moonta, Cross Roads and Cuncliffe Uniting churches. The church is part of the Wimala Presbytery in the Uniting Church Synod of South Australia.
"Built during the mining boom in this area in 1865, it seated 750 people. However, the number of worshippers greatly exceeded this number so in 1872, a gallery to hold a further 500 was installed, making the seating capacity 1250. Two Services were held each Sunday with a full congregation. On a lighter note, some things never change as repeatedly in the old Church Minute Books, the following is recorded "Some senior members of the Church Trust must go into the gallery and control the boys".
In 1888 a large, beautiful Pipe Organ was installed at a cost of 258 pounds ($516). As you can imagine, after more than 100 years, the Organ required a major overhaul...the Pipe Organ is now possibly better than when it was first installed. We did not want the outside of the Organ touched and the paint work is original. Another reason for this was that the boys who pumped the bellows sat behind a large curtain and their names were scratched or pencilled on the panelling and we did not want this removed. These boys received one shilling (10 cents) a week for these duties. Quite often, to the consternation of the Organist, the boys would fall asleep during the sermon. The pump handle is still there and was used until 1960 when a motor was installed." (Extract Church Website - http://sa.uca.org.au/find-a-church/by-list/moonta-mines-uniting-church)
More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 27/5/2018 & 5/3/2025.