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Church Name: | Kulpara Uniting Church - Former |
Church Previous Name: | Kulpara Bible Christian Chapel/ Kulpara Methodist Church |
Denomination: | Uniting Church in Australia |
Street Address: | 1724 Copper Coast Hwy, Kulpara SA 5552, Australia |
Suburb: | Kulpara |
State: | SA |
Postcode: | 5552 |
Foundation Stone Laid: | 15-09-1879 |
Foundation Stone Notes: | Foundation stone was laid by Matilda Daniel on 15/9/1879. The text on the foundation stone is not known. Information/photographs are invited. Foundation stone on the hall records: To the Glory of God this stone was laid by T F Mayfield Esq on the 22nd April 1933. A stone in the gable records: 1879. |
Date Opened: | 25-12-1879 |
Date Closed: | 00-00-2008 |
Email: | admin@churchesaustralia.org |