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Coffin Bay Community Church
Coffin Bay Community Church 01-03-2024 - Derek Flannery
Coffin Bay Community Church 01-03-2024 - Derek Flannery

Coffin Bay Community Church

Coffin Bay, SA 5607

Church Information

Church Name: Coffin Bay Community Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Non-denominational
Street Address: 1 Tapley St, Coffin Bay SA 5607, Australia
Suburb: Coffin Bay
State: SA
Postcode: 5607
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: No Foundation Stone or Memorial Plaque details are known. Information/photographs are invited.
Date Opened: unknown
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The Coffin Bay Community Church, is a Christian worship place for the people of the community. It is regularly used for worship by Uniting, Lutheran and Catholic congregations. The building is owned jointly by the Uniting and Lutheran churches. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 31/5/2024.

Last Updated: Friday 31st May, 2024