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Merriton Uniting Church - Former
Merriton Uniting Church - Former 28-02-2025 - Derek Flannery
Merriton Uniting Church - Former 28-02-2025 - Derek Flannery

Merriton Uniting Church - Former

Merriton, SA 5523

Church Information

Church Name: Merriton Uniting Church - Former
Church Previous Name: Merriton Methodist Church
Denomination: Methodist (Wesleyan and Other)
Street Address: 48 Clements Rd, Merriton SA 5523, Australia
Suburb: Merriton
State: SA
Postcode: 5523
Foundation Stone Laid: 26-03-1901
Foundation Stone Notes: 

A foundation stone records: Methodist Church - To the Greater Glory of God - This Stone was laid - 26th March 1901.

[The foundation stone was laid by Mrs W H Binney, who 28 years earlier had laid the foundation stone for the Wesleyan Methodist Church erected on the Binney Farm, at Rocky Point].

A sign at the property records: Merriton - Methodist - Church - 1900 ~ 1990.

Date Opened: 23-06-1901
Date Closed: 00-00-1990
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The former Merriton Uniting Church closed about 1990 and the property was sold. The church had been part of the Uniting Church Synod of South Australia. This was the first church building erected for the Methodist Church after Union in 1900. It was erected on land donated by Mr Davidson. The stone for the building was supplied from the demolished Bible Christian Church at Merriton and the Wesleyan Methodist Church at Rocky Point. The Merriton Methodist Church was opened on 23/6/1901 by the Rev V Roberts. Pews for the church came from The Bible Christian Church at Crystal Brook and the pulpit from the Redhill Primitive Methodist Church. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 19/3/2025.

Last Updated: Wednesday 19th March, 2025