Kerang Uniting Church
Kerang Uniting Church  05-12-2022 - Derek Flannery
Kerang Uniting Church  26-09-2024 - John Conn, Templestowe, Victoria

Kerang Uniting Church

Kerang, VIC 3579

Church Information

Church Name: Kerang Uniting Church
Church Previous Name: Kerang Methodist Church
Denomination: Uniting Church in Australia
Street Address: Vaughan St & Fitzroy St, Kerang VIC 3579, Australia
Suburb: Kerang
State: VIC
Postcode: 3579
Foundation Stone Laid: 30-03-1963
Foundation Stone Notes: 

Foundation stone records: To the Glory of God - This stone was set by - The Rev. C. K. Daws E.D. - Managing Secretary - Methodist Church in Victoria - 30th March 1963.

A stone on the building adjoining the church records: To the Glory of God - and - in honour of those who served - 1914 ~18 1939 ~ 45 - This building was opened by - The Rev. Norman Lade M.A. B.D. - President of the Conference - December 22nd 1956.

Date Opened: 10-08-1873
Date Closed: unknown


The Kerang Uniting Church is part of the Loddon Mallee Presbytery and the Uniting Church Synod of Victoria & Tasmania. The Kerang Uniting(Methodist) Church was opened on 10/8/1873, and celebrated its centenary in 1973. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 10/1/2023 & 29/11/2024.

For more of the church story see - Centenary, Kerang Methodist Church, 1873~1973 / Compiled by Frederick S Grinton. Bib ID 2749207. Not sighted.
Last Updated: Friday 29th November, 2024