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Calvary Chapel Esperance - Church of Christ Building

Calvary Chapel Esperance

Sinclair, WA 6450

Church Information

Church Name: Calvary Chapel Esperance
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Unknown
Street Address: 19 Milner St, Sinclair WA 6450, Australia
Suburb: Sinclair
State: WA
Postcode: 6450
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: Meets in the Esperance Church of Christ building.
Date Opened: unknown
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The Calvary Chapel Esperance is a member of the network of churches associated with the Calvary Chapel Movement, which commenced in the 1960s. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photograph uploaded 17/5/2024.
Last Updated: Friday 17th May, 2024