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Cartmeticup Baptist Church - Former
Cartmeticup Baptist Church - Former 21-03-2024 - Derek Flannery
Cartmeticup Baptist Church - Former 21-03-2024 - Derek Flannery

Cartmeticup Baptist Church - Former

Cartmeticup, WA 6316

Church Information

Church Name: Cartmeticup Baptist Church - Former
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Baptist
Street Address: 254 Church Rd, Cartmeticup WA 6316, Australia
Suburb: Cartmeticup
State: WA
Postcode: 6316
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: A foundation stone on the present church building records: This stone was unveiled - in the Name of our Lord -by - J H Shackley - 8-4-1962 - Psalm 23.
Date Opened: 10-08-1902
Date Closed: 10-08-1997
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The former Cartmeticup Baptist Church closed on 10/8/1997, and the property was sold in 2001. The present building was erected in 1962 to replace the original 1902 structure. "The first service was conducted by the Rev Alfred Metters from Katanning on 10 August, 1902. The celebrations were concluded on August 13 with a tea and public meeting at which the building was declared free of debt. Even though the walls were unplastered, there was no ceiling, only a dirt floor, the seats had no backs to them and the pulpit was a galvanised iron packing case on four short legs (about a foot high), there was great rejoicing, the long felt need had been fulfilled. The settlers of Cartmeticup whom mostly had originated from South Australia brought with them their hardworking, temperate and God fearing traditions and ideals. Their origins, their isolation and kinship had all contributed to their success in developing their virgin selections. Life was hard, but they derived their own enjoyment and fulfilment from their gatherings whether religious or social. Men like George Jefferies were an example of the resourcefulness of this community. He was one of the main movers in the establishment and building of the Cartmeticup Church and he worked hard for this ideal. As the original secretary-treasurer he was responsible for it being free of debt when opened. He was also a local preacher of note, a strong singer, as well as giving recitations at church functions. While it was designated a Baptist Church, many of the original members had previously belonged to other denominations - the Paterson's had been devout Wesleyans in South Australia. On their arrival at Cartmeticup, "they had felt the need and importance of a religious service for they did not wish to deteriorate or their children to grow up as heathens" So these faithful, isolated few had conducted their early services in their home and later, sheds. The Baptists in Katanning were prepared to administer the faith to these families and accepted Marracoonda and Cartmeticup as outstations. If occasionally the Pastor from Katanning failed to turn up the breach was filled by a layman or local resident. The Cartmeticup Church was built at a cost of £24. The builder was John Mouritz, who had arrived some two years before from SA. In 1903 he was elected to the Katanning Roads Board and became a strong advocate for the formation of the Woodanilling Board". [Sourced from: https://inherit.dplh.wa.gov.au/public/inventory/details/54788e23-f41a-4d75-8a15-59cbecd566ae]. More historical information/photographs are invited. Photographs uploaded 14/5/2024.

Note: See also - https://inherit.dplh.wa.gov.au/Public/Inventory/PrintSingleRecord/b216224d-1868-4817-ad16-58f48f858507 AND  https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/146199548
Last Updated: Tuesday 14th May, 2024