St Paul's Anglican Church

St Paul's Anglican Church

Koorda, WA 6475

Church Information

Church Name: St Paul's Anglican Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Anglican Church of Australia
Street Address: 4 Allenby St, Koorda WA 6475, Australia
Suburb: Koorda
State: WA
Postcode: 6475
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: 

No Foundation Stone details are known. Information/photographs are invited.

A plaque records: "This Plaque Commemorates the 60th Anniversary - of the Licencing and Dedication of - St Pauls Anglican Church, Koorda - on 13th September 1928 - by The Right Reverend - W E Elsey, Bishop of Kalgoorlie - Petitioners - Frank Brooks, F Main, James W Price (Builder), E Kerr, W Morgan, H MacMillan - unveiled by The Right Reverend - P F Carnley, Archbishop of Perth - on 2nd October 1988".


Date Opened: 13-09-1928
Date Closed: unknown


The St Paul's Anglican Church, Koorda is part of the Parish of Wyalkatchem-Koorda with Dowerin and the Diocese of Perth. St Paul's was the first church building in the district, and was dedicated on 13th September 1928 by the Right Rev. W. E. Elsey, Bishop of Kalgoorlie. The Archbishop of Perth, P. F. Carnley, visited on 2nd October 1988 to commemorate the church's 60th anniversary.  The building is now also used by the Uniting Church for services. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 11/06/2015.
Last Updated: Sunday 26th May, 2024