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St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church
St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church  05-05-2024 - Derek Flannery
St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church  05-05-2024 - Derek Flannery

St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church

Kununurra, WA 6743

Church Information

Church Name: St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Catholic Church in Australia
Street Address: 1 Leichhardt St, Kununurra WA 6743, Australia
Suburb: Kununurra
State: WA
Postcode: 6743
Foundation Stone Laid: 08-12-1991
Foundation Stone Notes: A foundation stone records: Saint Vincent's Church - This foundation stone was laid by - The Most Rev John Jobst - Bishop of Broome - 8 December 1991.
Date Opened: 00-00-1992
Date Closed: unknown
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The St Vincent Pallotti Catholic Church, Kununurra is part of the Parish of Kununurra and the Diocese of Broome. An Expansion Mission into the Kununurra district was undertaken by the church in 1962. The present church building was erected in 1991/2. No other details are known. More historical information/photographs of the church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 23/5/2024.
Last Updated: Thursday 23rd May, 2024