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Mt Barker Baptist Church - Original Church
Mount Barker/Plantagenet Uniting Church 01-10-2014 - (c) gordon@mingor.net
Mount Barker/Plantagenet Uniting Church 00-10-2014 - (c) gordon@mingor.net

Mount Barker Baptist Church - Former

Mount Barker, WA 6324

Church Information

Church Name: Mount Barker Baptist Church - Former
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Baptist
Street Address: Albany Hwy & Ormond Rd, Mount Barker WA 6324, Australia
Suburb: Mount Barker
State: WA
Postcode: 6324
Foundation Stone Laid: 22-02-1906
Foundation Stone Notes: 

From Trove, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/69945034?# Wed 28 Feb 1906 Mt Barker Baptist Church foundation stone Thur 22 Feb 1906

"Mount Barker. The foundation stone of the Baptist Church at Mount Barker was laid last Thursday afternoon, the ceremony being performed by Mrs. C. Wooldridge, who was presented by the committee with a silver-mounted mallet, suitably inscribed. Addresses were given by the ex-pastor of the church (Rev. H. Horsey), Rev. Mr. Davis and Rev. Mr. Wichert. During the course of the afternoon the Sunday school prizes were distributed by Mr. E. Duck. A tea-meeting was held in the hall, followed by a public meeting. Rev. R. C. Davis occupied the chair. Several interesting items were rendered during the evening, and short addresses were given bv Rev. H. Horsey and Rev. E. B. Wichert. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the visitors from Albany, who had rendered assistance. During the course of the evening a financial statement was read by the resigning pastor, Rev. H. Horsey, which showed that this aspect of the work was in a satisfactory condition."

A plaque records: "Commemorating the first Methodist Church building on this site. Purchased from the Baptist Church in 1909". 

Date Opened: 07-10-1906
Date Closed: 00-00-1909
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The former Mount Barker Baptist Church building/property was sold to the Methodist Church in 1909. This former Baptist/Methodist/Uniting Church building sits right alongside the road. Behind it is the Uniting church building now in use (see separate entry - 6324).

The following information and has been sourced and provided by Jeff Heron, the grandson of the builder of the original Baptist Church, John Heron.

From Trove, https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/69954139 Sun 07 Oct 1906 Mt Barker Baptist Church opening Wed 31 Oct 1906

"Mount Barker Baptist Church. The opening services of the Baptist Church at Mount Barker were celebrated on Sunday, October 7, when the Rev. F. H. Radford, of Albany, president of the Baptist Union of W.A., preached two excellent sermons, in the afternoon at 3 and in the evening at 7. In spite of the inclemency of the weather, the church was nicely filled on both occasions. On the Monday evening a public meeting was held, the church being crowded. Addresses were given by Rev. J. E. Stansfield (Church of England), Rev. F. H. Radford, Rev. R. C. Davis (Pastor of the Church) and Mr. E. Duck. Songs were rendered by Mr. I. Williams and Master Willie Parks and a recitation by Mr. Henry Metcalf. The collections on the Sunday and Monday were on behalf of the building fund and amounted to £9 15s. The building, which has been erected by Mr. J. Heron, Mount Barker, is built of wood and iron and lined with matchboard. It is 26ft. by 18ft., with porch over the front door. Situated just on the rise of the hill, it adds to the beauty and appearance of the town. Much credit is due to all those who have been instrumental in the building of the church."

A photograph of the original church has also been provided. Photographs uploaded 23/06/2015 and 23/6/2019.

Last Updated: Wednesday 7th August, 2024