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St James' Anglican Church - Former
St James' Anglican Church - Former 21-09-1981 - F A Sharr - inHerit - State Heritage Office - See Note.
St James' Anglican Church - Former 21-09-1981 - F A Sharr - inHerit - State Heritage Office - See Note.

St James' Anglican Church - Former

South Greenough, WA 6528

Church Information

Church Name: St James' Anglican Church - Former
Church Previous Name: -
Denomination: Anglican Church of Australia
Street Address: 33583 Brand Hwy, South Greenough WA 6528, Australia
Suburb: South Greenough
State: WA
Postcode: 6528
Foundation Stone Laid: unknown
Foundation Stone Notes: 

(1) Notice Board records: "St James' Church - This church was consecrated by Bishop Hale on 27 July 1873. It was the first purpose built Anglican church in the district - National Trust".

(2) Notice board records: "St James Church - South Greenough - Built by Joseph Bolwan in 1872. Consecrated by Bishop Hale, 27 July 1873. The first resident minister for Greenough was Archdeacon Watkins. - The land was given by William Stokes of South Greenough, who with John Wilton did all the carpentry. They also made the pews & desks, helped by James Rumble".

(3) Notice board records: "St James Church - Greenough - This property has been given to National Trust of Australia (W.A.) by the ??????? Diocese of the Anglican Church ??????????? restored by the trust with the assistance of the National Estate ????????". 

Date Opened: 27-07-1873
Date Closed: 00-00-1961
Email: admin@churchesaustralia.org


The former St James' Anglican Church, South Greenough was built in 1872. It survived the terrible floods of 1888 and continued as a place of worship until 1961. Shortly afterwards, the building was saved from demolition by the local community. More historical information/photographs of the former church/congregation are invited. Photographs uploaded 25/05/2015.

Note: Photograph attribution/source - http://inherit.stateheritage.wa.gov.au/Public/Inventory/Image/dd0d5f3f-8179-4e83-937f-13005d7e1398
Last Updated: Saturday 25th May, 2024